End Credits

As I write this the sound coming from my little blue tooth speaker literally makes the room around it pulsate. It's the sort of thing that I usually hate because the sound is similar to that thing that happens in your ears when you stand up too fast.  I love it at the moment. And [...]

Generation Nope. 

Well I already attempted a reblog but I believe this needs to be passed on so I'm making quite sure that I do.  America, sweety, we are not free.  We could be. And quite easily. I think maybe, soonishly, we will be. For reals this time. At least for a little bit humans always trade [...]


I've actuallly been rolling a post just like this around in my brains for over a week but just couldn't seem to find the words... Thankfully one of you always does. I love this. And the comments! I love the whole vibe of, you know, thinking. We're thinking again guys! Don't stop there though. Ask [...]

Message, Man. 

twenty one pilots - Message Man Lyrics | Musixmatch https://www.musixmatch.com/lyrics/twenty-one-pilots/Message-Man https://open.spotify.com/track/4Oyl6oYSNeeZZP0OAxPVaU Once upon a time I was a writer. Yep. True story. I got my first journal at age 5 and kept one faithfully until I was 19 and got married. I read everything I could get my hands on. I was always reading, writing, [...]

As Promised…

I said I'd do it so I am. You'd think I'd have more fun but weirdly it was a very blah day for me. I feel...empty.  Anyways..cuteness time!  Prepare yourselves... Made this "scrap rug" bc it was all the Pinterest rage a few yrs ago but Omg what a pain in the ass. Like all [...]